Farewell 2021 Farewell Sydney welcome coaching online
new views and new way of sharing all things movement…
Officially we are currently ‘of no fixed address’ … a surreal space to be in. (yet also fun!)
Three weeks out of Sydney, three days until the calendar turns, and we are not looking to turn back. Part of the impulse to move/ leave was an intuitive knowing it was time.
I’ve immersed myself in faith and it not only feels freeing, it is enriching, enlightening and enthralling. I’ve been delighted to see and enjoy, many reminders and signs since leaving - we are exactly where we are meant to be. Even during the weeks of packing and the day of the move, sure there were butterflies in the belly, there were the questions of ‘what am I doing?!’ But it truly was ‘butterflies’ due to excitement. An eleven year wish/ dream/ plan coming true.
So this is a farewell post to close out the year and close out 48 years in Sydney. It’s not goodbye though, i’ll be back for Posture Plus training, Board Meetings and Workshops. The BIG news though, is we’ve already decided where we are settling and its only a hop, skip and jump to Ballina airport (easy for Sydney returns!)
Between the Sydney returns for cluster clinic sessions. I’ll be embracing online classes and coaching, along with taking on new board duties and writing… along with cultivating and promoting PP2.0.
For those seeking help outside of “cluster clinic” visits, below is a list of recommendations. For those whom have benefitted with therapy and coaching many times and over the years, i’m starting video check-ins so you can Ask A Question/ book 15mins and go through what you are needing to work through. More on that soon.
For more hands on care i’d recommend:
Acupuncture/ emotional work - Amanda Tanner, Sydney Acupuncture.
Physical Training - Matthew Mellor, Bondi Beach.
Specific injury needs seek a Physio listed with GemT, they will do the dry needling.
For those wishing to wait (and not ‘cheat on me’ haa haa) i’m back for an ATMS workshop in Feb! Awaiting confirmation its running, and as soon as confirmation is received i’ll put a call out to book treatment spots 25th- 26th & 28th Feb. If this workshop does not eventuate, i’m DEFINITELY back in March.
MY MISSION is taking the forefront for 2022 and that is “to extend my reach/ touch beyond my grasp” which means an online/ virtual focus with classes, workshops, personal training & coaching calls supplemented with In-person sessions. 2hr extended classes & 3hr workshops for public/ clients, and full day workshops for Posture Plus trainees.
It is time to complete the projects started, live my purpose and teach.
Teach, share and help through Posture Plus and more.
MISSION - inspire DAILY MOVEMENT PRACTICE (DMP) reducing suffering and empowering self care and self management.
Posture Plus was ahead of its time and it was ahead of me when I trained four teachers of the program back in 2004-2008 (now fondly referred to as PP1.0). Then came a break for maternity leave 2012-2015, where there much learning, distilling and refinement from joint focused mobility work to neuroscience and neurophysiology coming in to the mix.
PP2.0 - the incarnation i’m truly happy with and proud of. It will continue to evolve, as it did in 2021 with the inclusion of Foundation Training. For this coming new year the self-massage/ myo-fascial aspect of the program will be broadened and PP2.0 kitted out with an all inclusive tool kit…
announcement about with whom (which product) will come with the new year!
For now, head to Vimeo. Posture Plus Online offers all manner of sequences and joint/ injury specific videos for you to work on yourself at home and keep the variety in what you do. Old favourites will remain, but, with new combinations comes new awareness and new movement. Head to Vimeo and play with a new video each week!
2022 - the year about YOU.
And i’m here to serve, teach, coach and play with you like never before. xo
Multiple classes weekly, a variety of classes and FREE weekly movement breakdowns for the more dynamic (some may say challenging… yet if you know me - i’ll aim to put a positive spin on the ‘work’) With that said “embracing the suck” and searching for the “sensation of progress” will be frequently heard phrases for those willing to extend their potential and play a different level of functionality. FLUID PHYSICALITY is what we will be playing with for those ready to train with intention.
INTENTIONAL TRAINING is the banner for the Physical Training which is a step beyond the basics with Posture Plus. More on this and stepping you through both what i’m offering and what is possible in the come Blogs. And that is another commitment i’m making here: to ACTUALLY write & post weekly Blogs.
This space (donnaeddy.com) is going to become THE source of information, as apposed to snippets being shared on social media. You want to learn anything about movement - longevity - health and fitness…. stick around!
2022 is all about YOU. xo
And i’m here to deliver!
Skip over to Vimeo here and enjoy some simple yet powerful combinations to juice you up ready for intensity with INTENTIONAL TRAINING. Become twice the person on the inside and watch your life and world shift on the outside.
Posture Plus is ‘the initial step” there is more…. waaaaay more beyond the D8’s.
NEXT BLOG welcomes 2022 and both INTENTIONAL TRAINING - MASTERING THE ART OF MOVEMENT & LIVING - personal call out to Massage Therapists nationally. xo