coming out go CoViD 2020
Reaching out virtually and literally!
Ive held back on emailing as everyone has been inundated with emails and online demands of late.
This week is my third week of teaching online, so any additional time on the computer has been avoided at all cost. That said, I’m sending this to touch base and update you on a few things from Posture Plus to being international models and all things “De-Inc”.
Massage is a regulated industry and for the “shops” and shopping centre services, they are not recognised as clinics. The same is applied to gyms who offer massage.
I’m registered with a body called Aphra - this has meant during the recent shutdown of things I’ve remained open. For those of you who know someone whom can’t see their usual therapist I’M AVAILABLE!
If your (friends or your other) therapist is in a Chiropractic/ physio or Osteo clinic, they will again the operating. GREAT way to de-stress and help reduce the Working From Home (WFH) ergonomic issues which are starting to rise!
From my Massage association
“Each jurisdiction has relaxed the restriction on “massage parlours” in different ways for remedial and therapeutic massage in clinic settings. Non-clinic premises such as gyms and health studios remain banned.
NSW has now specifically confirmed that remedial massage members are permitted to provide remedial therapies in clinic settings at this time, and are not bound by the restriction on “massage parlours”.”
So, with that said.
I’m open and I’ve reduced my rates for those whom need help
(i.e: have had income reduced/ lost work or contracts etc).
Up to this week there has been ALOT of patience cultivating and flexible/adaptability training on my part. From the apartment above being in full renovation mode (see videos on FB!) Phoenix homeschooling for two weeks, and then on holidays….
Ive settled in to the online teaching (22-25hrs p.w of it! Yuk) and the renovations are quieting down with the demo/ jack hammering done and new insulated flooring going in.
So now I can film and get back to my regular Instagram posting and finishing online programs I’d been preparing and writing.
So what’s new?
The Posture Plus revival continues and there are both live and online workshops which will see new classes popping up all over Australia (and hopefully the USA in due course).
Like all events and businesses, workshops were cancelled but I’m in the planning and date setting stage for the second half of the year. Re-scheudling and booking those for mostly Sydney until 2021.
I’ll say it now, I’m confident we will see a return to “normal” by Spring! Let’s see if I’m correct….
Fingers crossed.
With that, I’m putting out new workshop schedule for BOTH public and professionals. Salubrious sunrises weekly & Sensational Stretch 2hr Master classes coming soon.
I’m planning to film new content in July - ready to launch a FULL online program come Spring. Which will also add new content to my BINGEtv channel in the USA.
There will be a “launch” of a DRAFT program for those interested in providing feedback (a beta-test if you like) before the July filming. The draft will be sent to a handful of clients and is also available to those who self nominate to both go through the program AND provide invaluable feedback. (email me “beta-tester” if you are interested)
Salubrious Habits & Start A Habit will also FINALLY get off the ground this year (YAY) and very soon to be honest. A - no more procrastinating wanting to make it “right” and B- I’ve jumped in with sample merchandise to simply get it ‘out there’.
SAH and Salubrious Habits will evolve and develop forever more as my personal learning journey continues (i’m diving deep at the moment into all things… gotta love that inner child!) I’ve also sought feedback and reviewed the practical unfolding of how SAH works (many times over) And once live sessions are “allowed” namely “Sensational Stretch Seasonal Sunrise” Sessions, SAH will evolve with the Sunrise sessions.
If you have not connected via Instagram: @salubrioushabits
Please do. That is where I do most things and do them regularly. Facebook will pick up, especially for Posture Plus trainees. But, I’m really restricting my online time (even for emails) whilst I’m teaching online 25hr pw.
What I’ve learnt most so far, even though I’ve not had a chance to get bored, and TBH… my life didn’t change all that much with the lockdown! Anyway, what ive learnt is the value of my touch, the potency of live classes and the need to get back out there in doing both.
I love the teaching, and teaching CIV & Diploma Massage will continue. But, I’m upping my availability for one on one and small group sessions AND ive got the most divine space to be doing that in.
I’m holding back on the Zen Parenting and feel that this will come to light after SAH gets its day. That said, this new space (DeInc is not in Bellevue Hill/ Rose Bay) its a stunning ground floor, light filled space.
If you think you saw Phoenix (and/or myself recently in new articles and on news websites) you’d be thinking right! And the space we are photographed in, is the new DeInc home. (see image below: Photographer Brendon Thorne for Getty Images)
Come join us for therapy, Sensational stretcher meet me at the beach for a Sunrise!
MUCH is coming online. Both Vimeo - Social media & internetTV with BINGEtv networks in the USA.
PPE and working safely during CoViD and homeschooling March 2020