Transition to donna and Posture Plus 2.0
I’m VERY close to laying out my gifts to the world, for you. My ‘life’s” work and the fruits of my passion.
You’ll soon be invited to take a look a number of programs, products and options for engagement.
My “Pivot due to C-19” has been to get specific and clear on HOW the content, projects and programs i’ve tinkered away at for decades - both fitted together and adequately stepped someone through the journey from Dysfunction to Flow. As well as encouraging and supporting the not so popular dive deeply IN to Self.
In more esoteric realms, what i’m offering is a map to the “Hero’s Journey” and a documented path of the “Wounded Warrior”. In simple terms… how to succeed in the journey from injury to functional. And the few whom may be interested, guiding those who step onto the path from unconsciously existing to living totally immersed in all things life, nature, moons, cycles and stages… a program called “Optimal Humanning.”
For now, this blog is to invite you to look at the refreshed website and if you don’t already follow - to join the social pages. An FYI here… I’m not on the FB much but my Insta is shared to FB. For more interaction head to Insta!
The pages on both these platforms will be receiving much needed attention and the updates to the website will be ongoing. Especially as the new systems roll out in the new year! Check out the updated site below.
To keep this short…
How are YOU?
How have you managed, survived or thrived during the absolute craziness of the past three years?
How is your movement practice?
How is your self care and connection to nature?
How is your Spiritual work and Soul development?
Next Blog (i’m truly aiming for monthly… which HAS been said before) I say it again now as i’ve also been doing some deep work personally and two coaching programs professionally in the past three years. Hibernating and cultivating everything to where I am now about to LAUNCH!
I’ve been published with a piece on Vitalism for the Australian Traditional Medical Society (of which i’m an active Board member). This along with two other articles will be uploaded to the website soon. The only thing i’m yet to do is a Podcast!
search: posture plus/ondemand over on
I’ve refined, mapped and distilled Posture Plus into an eight (8) module duel training program. I say duel as the offerings coming are for both Public participants & Professional promoters/providers of the program.
The writing has continued, with the starts of “Posture Plus THE Book”. The first of a handful of books to be published on Amazon. As well as re-publishing and revitalising some works from a dear and late teacher.
I’ve not sat idle (no surprise).
Instead i’ve rejuvenated both myself and all the projects i’ve be creating and nurturing for years, some decades! My pivot from the craziness has been exiting Sydney, leaving the teaching work at TAFE and circling back to my fitness roots with Life Athletes (and the Posture Plus work).
I started the year with the Mantra: “2022 - the year to DO”.
I’m pleased to say that much has been done (and lost… but that’s whole other Blog! maybe next month?) and we are only halfway through 2022.
THANK YOU for being part of the journey. do join the socials Insta here and FB here.
More to come… i’m excited!
xo De