Turning inwards
As the Summer fades and we start to feel the chill of Autumn winds and shorter days, its time to turn inwards. Turning inwards will help you through the Winter and make the emergence during Spring for Summer that much easier! Turning inwards can be done in many ways. Turning inwards with some Physical Therapy, such as quick seasonal tune-up (as my dear and well loved clients are in the habit of doing); it can be a fun immersion with a retreat (which my darling partner is off to this weekend); it can be a simple as making time and space to sit for 10mins and tune in to your breath.
As the season changes it s a great time to change your foods. Eating seasonally is not as easy these days, with the modern joys of quick shipping and refrigeration. Buying from local sources, farmers markets or looking for local (state or country) only.
For future reference the glorious life tracker i’m currently in production with will help you with all this next year! Keep an eye out for launch round Spring time, ready for an end of year workshop.
back to the post….
Turning inwards. We are habitual creatures, we thrive on routine to keep some semblance of order in our crazy and hectic lives. so make a habit that is Salubrious and serves you for future health and wellbeing. One step; simple things; one focus and then add on. So what will your one thing be this Autumn wit the focus of “Turning In”?
MY top three (3)
Morning sitting. 10-25mins of peaceful solitude as the sun rises. Nowadays wrapped in my meditation blanket/ wrap and facing the sun (i’m blessed to have the Sun rise in my floor to ceiling glass living space)
(really 1b) If my mind is too full (which it is often) i’ll sit for 10mins and then strip off spin around and Sun Bathe for 10mins. It is well known that there is a problem with Vit D deficiency, we cover up too much for fear of Melanoma and skin cancers. But, 10mins of morning Sun bathing before the sun is at its worst will give you a glorious dose of VitD and your spine and energy levels a great boost. (more on this in the aforementioned life tracker!)
As the weather cools, our bodies naturally contract too. So juicing up the joints is vital to keep old injuries at bay (i’ve had PLENTY!) and keep you supple through the cold days ahead.
(since we had a 1b) Physical therapy! I’ve managed to assist and train (most) of my patients and clients to look after themselves so they only come in for seasonal tune-ups. Some love it and come monthly, some are not so good at the home care and self- care (yet) and also come monthly. But my aim is always to have people come seasonally. It keeps things on track; we can freshen up the movement programs and we can combat the common seasonal issues that some people suffer. donna@donnaeddy.com to book your session today!
I find for myself, with the developmental and injury history of my body that monthly work is necessary. Plus i’m still training daily and commute on bike, so i’m using my body much like an athlete (think more Masters games now, rather than Olympic!) But I do find as the Summer fades, the old injuries turn put he volume and speak louder than they do in Spring & Summer.
I’m lucky enough to do self therapy and own the deliscious Migan bed, oh and my darling partner is a great physical therapist (more on that in due course too!). Even with all this on hand/ in house care I still get monthly physical therapy from others.
I also change my training workouts according to my body (pain; stiffness, current injury) my energy, i’m menopausal now so nights are disturbed and I don’t need to “warm up” so much right now (oh the joys of middle age) as well as the constant juggle between working, mumming, businessing, creating, resting, loving/ partnering, housing etc. Listening to my inner drive and energy is vital to stay balanced.
So start with one of the daily options to “turn inwards”. Pick one and do it for a month, then add another.