Our Story
Since birth (1973) Donna (aka “De”)
has been developing her physicality in a special way. Born premature and epileptic- physical milestones were challenging. Through determined family support
Donna progressed (some would say) beyond the normal ranges. This set up a passion for movement and after spinal injury at 21, she moved in to the world of Therapy.
These life experiences opened Donna to finding her purpose, to teach. Which was then elevated to a passionate cause after her mother died from Motor Neurone Disease in 2008, all driving the development of these workshops.
Anatomology is the culmination of all these life experiences and is Donna’s way to share the knowledge and wisdom which emerged from her development; injury recovery and the loss of her mother at only 62.
“De”-Mystify Pain
Understanding the language of the body and the signals or cries for help allows one to be more Salubrious in every way.
At the other end of the spectrum, listening to the language of the body and knowing the line between “noise” and real pain, allows one to rest or push when appropriate too.
Learn and experience all this and more through Anatomology Workshops.
Anatomology is the culmination of 20 years
personal practice; study; teaching; presenting and manual/blog/ textbook writing.
Distilled to a series of workshops; online programs; manuals and affectionately named “De”-books.
FREE - $30.00
“De”-books. Pun intended : ) There are a variety of quick -read; manuals and comprehensive training programs.
Pending your interest (and time) you will find more than you expect and will be delighted by what you learn and discover about yourself.
$33.00 - $333.00
Anatomology & Posture Plus are the physical training programs. Both step you through from where YOU are, to where you wish to be (and beyond).
Salubrious Habits is the longevity/ lifestyle program, with (at the top end) physical products to enjoy and keep you on track!
$220.00 - $2200.00
Get personal and immerse yourself in face to face content. Hands on, immediate help with one day workshops to week long “live in” immersions.
Zen Parenting.
Start A Habit.
Unplug & Get Connected.
Posture Plus TTT (train the trainer)